Dr. Dermot J Halpin

Dermot HalpinKM,MB BCh BAO ( Hons), FRCPI, FRCGP, FFOM, MICGP, DCH, D Obst RCPI, HDip Occ Health.

Dermot qualified with honours MB, BCh,BAO degrees from U.C.D.

He completed his higher professional training in 1979.

He studied Occupational Medicine in Ireland and Birmingham.

He holds Fellowships of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, Royal Society of Medicine , Royal College of General Practitioners, Faculty of Occupational Medicine and is a member of Irish College of General Practitioners, Chartered member of Institution of Safety and Health (UK), Irish Institute of Training and Development , Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care (Edin.) and Irish Society of Occupational Medicine.

He is on Medical Council’s specialist registers in General Practice and Occupational Medicine ; IMN number 005077.

He works in General Practice and is Occupational Health Consultant to a number of Irish and international companies, Medical Director of Occupational Health and Medical Services and was lecturer in Occupational Health, Safety and Medicine at U.C.D., Chief Medical Officer to the Order of Malta for six years and has served four years on the board of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine, RCPI. He was President of Irish Society of Occupational Medicine 2007/2008. He was Provost of The RoI Faculty of RCGP for four years. He was appointed CMO to Irish Life in 2015 and Chief Medical Officer to An Post in 2019.

He has been on the panel of the Injuries Board since its inception and is also on the Department of Transport’s panel undertaking Seafarers’ examination.

Fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners